01 March 2014

I have made a good start on Assignment one, making a power point presentation which I will turn into a you tube clip I have also created a padlet page for my artifact.  I have seen padlet used in the past and thought it was a great site to display work.  I have not had the opportunity to use it before now so this is another area where it is a case of learn as I go.  I have also completed all of the tasks for week one on the study desk, this has been interesting with some of the information provided in the course very informative.  I loved the fill in the gaps challenge and had a laugh along the way as I tried to figure out what word would fit the gap.  It seemed too easy for the answers I gave and once I seen the correct answers (all about chickens, not children) I gave myself a slap to the forehead.  The thing that really impressed me this past week was viewing the ‘Hello Kitty’ you tube clip.  This clip is a great example of how a year seven student was creative enough to come up with what one would normally consider an impossible task and turned it into reality using basic concepts and ICT.  This clip is an example of how one is only limited by one’s own imagination and as a pre service teacher inspires me to hopefully encourage my future students to reach for the stars.

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